Wrapped Bouquet
Seasonal wrapped bouquets are the perfect gift for a flower-lover with plenty of vases to choose from at home. Wrapped bouquets can be picked up at one of my community partner shops without an order, but around big flower holidays it’s a great idea to order ahead of time in case they sell out.
Seasonal wrapped bouquets are the perfect gift for a flower-lover with plenty of vases to choose from at home. Wrapped bouquets can be picked up at one of my community partner shops without an order, but around big flower holidays it’s a great idea to order ahead of time in case they sell out.
Seasonal wrapped bouquets are the perfect gift for a flower-lover with plenty of vases to choose from at home. Wrapped bouquets can be picked up at one of my community partner shops without an order, but around big flower holidays it’s a great idea to order ahead of time in case they sell out.